Timeshare and hotel comparison
How much money can I save by owning and using a timeshare rather than paying the hotel rate?
Let’s take an example of a 2 bedroom unit in Hilton’s Grand Waikikian with an ocean view sold for $45,000. If you rent a similar size unit with an ocean view in Waikiki, rates run at around $1,000 per night.
Here is a comparisone of how much you will pay in 15 years
Hotel $7,000 each week x 15 years = $105,000
Timeshare $1,700 each year (maintenance fee) x 15 years = $ 25,500 (+ purchase price $47,000)
While this is an over-simplified calculation, you can see the potential of savings you make on your annual holiday with timeshare ownership.
Should you have any questions at all about the resale market, please feel free to get in touch with our specialist – Taka Nakayama (PB) at 808.748.1550 or buy@oceanwind-hawaii.com.
*Please note maintenance fees may increase.